people change, love hurts, friends leave, things go wrong, but just remember that LIFE GOES ON~:)

"Waktu bagi Luka"

ujung jari yang terkena pisau
lutut kaki yang tergores aspal
kepala bocor yang diperban
siku tangan yang tergores aspal
     itu semuanya adalah luka, luka yang bisa disembuhkan hanya dengan menunggu "waktu" sampai saatnya dia akan mengering. lalu bagaimana dengan hati yang tergores dan tersayat oleh Luka? bukan tersayat pisau ataupun tergores aspal? hati yang terluka ini berbeda dengan ujung jari, lutut kaki, siku tangan yang bisa disembuhkan dan menunggu waktu dimana saatnya dia akan kering. Tapi, kebanyakan orang menganggap waktu juga bisa menyembuhkan hati yang sudah terluka tadi. karena, setelah beberapa lama kejadian yang membuat hati terluka, biasanya rasa itu akan memudar dan menjadi hambar biasa saja. 

   "Tidak da yang bisa menyembuhkan luka pada hati yang tersakiti, termasuk waktu. Waktu tidak menyembuhkan luka tersebut namun waktu hanya membuat kita terbiasa dengan luka tersebut"

    karna sudah lama merasakan luka tersebut disetiap harinya, itu membuat kita terbiasa dengan rasa sakit dan perih yang kita rasakan. sehingga bukan lagi menjadi masalah bagi kita.


Degrees of comparison or also called comparison degree is one of english grammar form that used for determine the level of comparisons of the adjectives of the sentence or in daily conversation. Based on its level, degrees of comparison are divided into three types. And they are :
1.  Positive degree            (Tingkat positif/biasa/setara)
2.  Comparative degree    (Tingkat lebih)
3.  Superlative degree      (Tingkat paling)


1.        POSITIVE DEGREE (Tingkat setara)
          Positive degree is the bassic form of comparison degree. Because this type is not to compare the adjective/adverb of the sentence, But is used to indicate an equivalent level of the adjectives/adverbs. There are 2 kinds of positive degree’s formula, they are USING “AS...AS” and USING “THE SAME AS....”

A.       USING “AS................AS”
This kinds and pattern are used for the sentence that compare and using ADJECTIVES/ADVERBS in the sentence.

Examples for Adjectives :              Examples for Adverb:
Ø  Beautiful
Ø  Careful
Ø  Quick
Ø  Fast
Ø  Good
Ø  Etc.
Ø  Beautifully
Ø  Carefully
Ø  Quickly
Ø  Fast
Ø  Well
Ø  Etc.

Examples for

Subject + verb/tobe + as + adjective + as + subject2 +(aux)


1.    Annisa is as beautiful as ave is
2.   Wenni sings as beautifully as beyonce does
3.   Yopi speaks as good as juan does
4.   He is as tall as his father
5.   Farug is as handsome as greyson

Adding auxiliary verb in the sentence is based on the tenses at the sentence, and you can see and know it from the verb/tobe at the sentence after the first subject and auxiliary verb here it’s not a necesity when you use comparison degree in daily conversation .
        And using adjectives or adverbs in the sentences is based on yourselves, based on the sentence, and based on the function of the adjectives / adverbs that we have learned before.


B. USING “THE SAME...............AS”
This kinds and pattern are used for the sentences that compare and using NOUN in the sentence.

Examples for Adjectives :
Ø  Colour
Ø  Lenght
Ø  Price/Cost
Ø  Etc.
Ø  Depth
Ø  Weight
Ø  Hight
Ø  Strengt

Subject + tobe + the same+ noun + as + subject2 + (aux)

1.    Ridho is the same weight as cornellia
2.   Jlouis is the same strenght as aderai
3.   Jacob is the same age as greyson
4.   That oranges is the same colour as mango

5.   Etc.


8.   That oranges is the same colour as mango
9.   Etc.

11. That oranges is the same colour as mango
12.                Etc.

        In this kinds, is usual just used tobe not verb in the sentence. Not like the first kinds using “”. and this type is using noun as the object that you will compare.


2.      COMPARATIVE DEGREE (tingkat lebih)
This type is used to compare the adjectives/adverbs of the subjects in the sentence. And showed the level and one of the subjects is more than the one.
There’re four problems that you have to know in using this type. And they are:

A.  Using “–ER” (For one syllable)
You have to put –ER at the last of the adjective/adverb which is one syllable(suku kata) on it.

Ø Tall           => Taller
Ø Short        =>Shorter
Ø Hot          => Hotter


B.  Using “–ER / more–“ (For two syllable)
        You have to put –ER at the last of the adjective/adverb in the sentences which is two syllable(suku kata) on it. And you have to put More– before the adjective/adverb in the sentence which is two syllable too. I think you’re confuse of when you must use –ER and when you have to use More– right? Okay, it’s based on the english grammar rules. And you can see it on the examples above :

Ø  Clever        => Cleverer
Ø  Easy           =>Easier
Ø  Handsome => More handsome
Ø  Stupid        => More stupid
Ø  Smart         => Smarter

C.  Using “more–“ (For three syllable)
1.    Ridho is bigger than sartika
2.   A book is more expensive than a pen
3.   My father is older than my mother
4.   Yopi’s book is cheaper than tario’s book
5.   Etc.

        You have to put “more–“ before the adjective/adverb in the sentence which is three syllable. And all of adjective/adverb that three syllable are using it and you have to add “more-“ before the adjective/adverb.
Ø  Beautiful    =>More beautiful
Ø  Careful      =>More careful
Ø  Quickly      =>More quickly


... ... ...

D.  Using “than”
        Using than in comparative degree is like the pattern of this type. You have to use and put “than” after the adjective/adverb in the sentence. and “than” in the sentence is distinguesh this type from the other type.

3.      SUPERLATIVE DEGREE (Tingkat paling)
        This type is used to showed the most level of the adjective/adverb in the sentence. it’s usual compare three or more subjects in it. And there’re four problems that you have to know in using superlative degree. They’re:

A.  Using “–EST”
(The same function/using as “–ER” in comparative)

B.  Using “–EST / most–“
(The same function/using as “–EST / most–” in comparative)

C.  Using “THE”
You have to put “the” before the adjective/adverb in the sentence. it’s make this type different from the other type that’s mean the most of all subjects in the sentence. you can see it on the examples above :
Ø  Cleverest            =>The cleverest
Ø  Fasthest               =>The fastest
Ø  Most beautiful    =>The most beautiful


1.    Jacob whitesides is the most handsome boy in the world
2.  Ronni is the fastest rider in my class
3.  The north pole is the coolest place in the world
4.  Ema is the cutest girl in our class

D.  USING “Of / Among / Adv of place”
Ø Of all / of them / of the others / of us
Ø Among all / among them / among the others / among us
Ø Adv of place

Example: In my class, in the world, in my family, etc.
By using of all,of them,among all, in my class or etc like above it means that you use superlative degree to compare the subjects adjective/adverb is the most level from the other subjects in the sentence. And it can be say the pattern of superlative degree because you have to use it in the superlative degree sentences.
A little
A few
A fewer
A fewest

AND ETC.....